Unfortunately it appears despite sprites physical wounds healing it appears the biggest injury is in his head.
He won't be left,any small noise freaks him out and he's going crazy when tied up outside shops.
His playing is fine now as we had an impromptu play date with Doug the Neapolitan mastiff. This got him to play very happily and away from me!
The police have taken the incident seriously and will be helping us find the man. When I meet other dog walkers I warn them about that man and to watch out for him.
Adams home now and he seems to have relaxed somewhat but is still not completely calm.
I will keep you loyal fans updated on how things go. Slow and steady baby steps.
Pippa sprites mum
It would appear that Sprite is suffering from the canine equivalent of PTSD. As you say small steps to return him to normal. I will keep Sprite in my prayers and will pray for the man who did this to him as he is desperately in need of help.
ReplyDeleteHes just not himself looking for some help from other dog owners see what they suggest, but for now we go by what he wants and look after him x