Monday, 15 December 2014

4 am trouble maker

Hello dear blog followers, my granddad reminded my mummy I have not blogged in a while so I am here, just well I am asleep, or pretending to be Amelia has her doctors kit out and if I am asleep she leaves me alone.

Sprite, if you believe that you really are silly, she will give you a diagnosis if you are asleep or awake, and growling at her does NOT work, she just laughs!

So dear people, it has been quite some time. My new fur sister Bella is settling in well even if someone did try and steal her (silly people, they would have soon bought her back!). I really am not sure on her if I'm asleep she wakes me up to nick my bed. Mum says sharing is caring and does move her occasionally but sometimes she lets her occupy my territory, Sprite, I do it so I can get some peace in the evening and more often then not YOU are upstairs with daddy or with mi so its not nicking it shes keeping it warm for you.

We took her up to the woods the other week, for the first time, joke was on her I was off my lead as soon as the car stopped and the door was opened, great fluffy pain had to stay on her lead I did nothing but wind her up!Running back and fourth to her and then jumping in deep muddy puddles where she could  not go despite her best efforts to drag mummy in. Daddy tried walking her but she would not behave and so was passed onto mummy, mummy takes no poop, even I know to behave.

Bella Von Grump has a naughty trick, she tries tripping people up as you go past her if the human has the audacity to ignore her, with me if I do not want to play, I get sat on and have to be rescued by mummy.

Thanks to Bella's constant ratting in the garden we both have fleas-the indignity of the rat rath, two baths three flea treatments, house being cleaned top to bottom and the kennels cleaned we still have them! I blame Bella well and truly! She kills rats and has stupidly thick fur, mums calling in the big guns apparently after pay day I dread to think what that is, I have images of a gun toting anti flea packing flea killing bio warfare.
No dearest boy just Advocate it kills fleas where YOU go saving me the hassle of yet again flea bombing the house!!

Its christmas time again, and mums working this year so hopefully better treats and food then last year-talk about meagre ! Dude you where fed watered and given gammon (much to my annoyance, and your stomachs later rebellion of said food) so be bloody greatful!
Hmmm, may be just maybe this year I might get some fantastic food on christmas day muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I am sure I over heard her say to dad she was getting two turkey joints this year one for humans one for dogs I'm sure I did, plus its my birthday just before christmas so you never know!!

Oh I nearly forgot in my food related brain fuzz, we have fish, not the eating kind unfortunatly the sit and get hypnotised kind. Sadly lost a lot to white spot something which mum said made them loose there heads and the two tiger barbs then played with the heads in a game of keepy uppy????
White Spot is a parasitic disease which can kill if left untreated, unfortunatly we also had an ill timed spike in water quality which wiped out a population of 32 cardinal and Neon tetra, which some of the other fish, namely the barbs and danio then ate leaving only the heads , which the barbs then used as play things! Gross but true.

Any way I am not too fussed as I cant see much, but Bella is fascinated stupid mutt ( are you getting a theme reader, someone has his nose out of joint) likes to sit and watch them for hours and enjoys there food, ewwww it smells disgusting and looks like some sort of health food yuch! No thanks!

oh dear fishy oh dear fishy if you leap from the tank i eat thee ......oooooo shiny tinsel 

Get off my blog you furball go back to eating shiny inappropriate things! Grrrr rar wooof!

Really, she has the rudeness to get mum to type about her on my blog the audacity of some moving floor rugs!

The christmas tree is up but mums had to put it up high out the way because Bella Von Grump likes to eat the tinsel and harass the Santa's

But shiny things normally mean food sprite, look at crisp packets, there one in the bin I can get it to show you wait there.................

Uh, how about no, last time you went in the bin Bella you ate cooked chicken bone cake wrappers, Amelias yoghurt frube wrappers (yoghurt tubes) and a whole host of items which meant I had to then follow you for three days with the poo shovel when you went out!!!!

There is so much for mum to type on this catch up I doubt she will remember it all she is bear with little brains, oh hang on a really funny moment with Von Grump, mum was using the sewing machine and bella only went to lick the needle as it was going up and down stoooooooopid ! Mum was doing the looser sign to Bella for the next hour :)
 Any way the title of this missive comes from my antics at around 4 am, this morning, Mi is not well so in with mum and dad as she soaked her bed on saturday night and being so cold the beds yet to dry. Shes on her 'nest' beside them and I happen to sleep at her feet. Last night mum and dad kicked me off the bed because I have worked out how, from the bottom of the bed to work my way UNDER the covers of a night and occupy as much bed as possible, what? I can be clever sometimes! Any way, I was megga miffed and cold, so, I helped my self to Amelia's blankets, surreptitiously spy style ninja stealing them to my 'nest' I just got greedy and took them all. Amelia is like a burglar alarm loud and all at once she wailed at mum I had nicked her blankets and she was cold. I got a smacked bum and sent to my corner with a flea in my ear :( I have tried to make up for it with Amelia today but shes not having it I even left her alone with her biscuits not even scrounging a morsel unlike Von Grump the hearth rug!

So reader, you see the theme, Sprite really isnt keen on Boo, but she is here to stay despite her stupidity and destructive capabilities she is a very good dog with Amelia and allows her to do as much as she can to her and not turn a hair. She is a kind gentle is slightly brain lacking soul who just needed stability and care to bring her on, even her grandparents, adams parents have said how well she is doing. 

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