Monday, 30 June 2014

Blog number two in two days!

Can tell mums outside enjoying the summer evenings.

I have been a fab little man today (sprite don't get all puffed up pride comes before a fall ya know) I retrieved a ball for terrified collie dog in the park!!! It wasn't far out in the lake but to far for him so I fetched it, and gave it back!!! Mum was very chuffed, until I got silly and chased a kingfisher away dad was watching.

Got home and auntie steph has given me a load of shadows old toys. There is three ruggers, an iggle piggle a ball and a teddy, I'm a very happy boy!!!

Now mum and dad are sat chilling, but arguing how is it possible to do both??
Its about august mostly mums just discovered how much my boosters n kennel cough are on top of my kennel fees . She's tried her hardest to be able to get me to go with them , even suggesting I dress as a human for the holiday but nope not happening.

She's getting very wound up which neither dad or I like :( . Ah well I'm now mithering at daisy, she's yapping again at something and nothing again!!!
(And now his tail is smoking, told you pride before a fall dude!) Cheers mother , but thank you for stopping it smoking!

Sunday, 29 June 2014

I'm here getting toasty

How very rude mum got most of the way through my blog and it didn't save!!!!

Any who I'm lying here besides our new fire brazier thing, which mum had to light and get going as dads hopeless. It proper nice except the ash I'm going grey, and not in my normal reverse dalmation way. Mum brushes me off and I go roll in some more she's not impressed!

I had an awesome day yesterday with my hoomons I got to ride on the back seat with mi as we went done to salsbury plain, it was fab. Wet but fun, I got to roll in sticky stinky clay mud doing my plough impression. Mum laughed dad, I don't think dad was impressed!!!

It rained when we left, it rained when we got there, and it rained when we drove home.
It rained all feckin day, mum got a bit sad as she wanted to see Stonehenge a big ring of stones thing that's been there hundreds of years.

There were flat lanes, rutted lanes, watery lanes and a dads got no traction slipping around lane :) that was the best.

My fav bit of the day was the picnic, my favourite thing is picnics. Because of one thing cocktail sausages, but I hadn't bargained on mi eating the fecking lot before my beady eye and nose got in there.
Mum made it better, she let me have some chicken morsels oh they were gooooood!!! Will have to tell shadow to get steph to get some.

Mum got mi to sing an extreamly irratating song,cows go boom because there were cows grazing on the firing range (I didn't see any sad mopey looking people so what's firing?? ).
I had to stay on my lead so we didn't have any sprites go boom, and I was ok with it, but let mum know I wasn't happy!!!

Got home last night and we were all tired, and in the drive home my clay had dried out so mum groomed me quick and I was allowed on the bed!!!!!

Right dads adjustmicating the log burner thing so I think its time to go in. Ooooooo wait a mo you havnt read our random act of kindness, six months ago one of mis planters was taken. Today it reapeared with seeds in for moo, mum is still mistified who 'borrowed' it in the first place, but mums happy its back and mis happy she got seeds!!! Adios amigos time for bed xx